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Acetal Metathesis: Mechanistic Insight
Synlett ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-13 , DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1611833
Alexander G. Pemba , Stephen A. Miller 1

The origins and recent applications of acetal metathesis are discussed in the context of synthesizing polyacetals via acetal metathesis polymerization (AMP). A kinetic study of the acid-catalyzed acetal metathesis reaction suggests the rate = k[H+][acetal]2, with MeOCH2OMe and EtOCH2OEt interchanging to yield MeOCH2OEt, achieving the statistical 1:2:1 equilibrium distribution in 4 hours at 80 °C and in 1 hour at 90 °C. Upon heating 1,10-decanediol and diethoxymethane, polydecylene acetal is formed with sequential distillation of ethanol, followed by diethoxymethane. A full mechanism for this polymerization is proposed, which begins with a transacetalization sequence to convert the diol into a bisacetal, followed by acetal metathesis to yield a high-molecular-weight polymer.



在通过缩醛复分解聚合 (AMP) 合成聚缩醛的背景下讨论了缩醛复分解的起源和最近的应用。酸催化缩醛复分解反应的动力学研究表明,速率 = k[H+][乙缩醛]2,MeOCH2OMe 和 EtOCH2OEt 交换生成 MeOCH2OEt,在 80°C 下 4 小时内达到统计的 1:2:1 平衡分布并在 90 °C 下 1 小时。在加热 1,10-癸二醇和二乙氧基甲烷时,通过依次蒸馏乙醇和二乙氧基甲烷形成聚癸烯缩醛。提出了这种聚合的完整机制,首先是将二醇转化为二缩醛的转缩醛化序列,然后是缩醛复分解,以产生高分子量聚合物。