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Long-range enhancer-promoter contacts in gene expression control.
Nature Reviews Genetics ( IF 39.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-01 , DOI: 10.1038/s41576-019-0128-0
Stefan Schoenfelder 1, 2 , Peter Fraser 1, 3

Spatiotemporal gene expression programmes are orchestrated by transcriptional enhancers, which are key regulatory DNA elements that engage in physical contacts with their target-gene promoters, often bridging considerable genomic distances. Recent progress in genomics, genome editing and microscopy methodologies have enabled the genome-wide mapping of enhancer-promoter contacts and their functional dissection. In this Review, we discuss novel concepts on how enhancer-promoter interactions are established and maintained, how the 3D architecture of mammalian genomes both facilitates and constrains enhancer-promoter contacts, and the role they play in gene expression control during normal development and disease.



时空基因表达程序由转录增强子精心策划,转录增强子是与其靶基因启动子进行物理接触的关键调控 DNA 元件,通常弥合相当大的基因组距离。基因组学、基因组编辑和显微镜方法学的最新进展使增强子-启动子接触及其功能解剖的全基因组图成为可能。在这篇综述中,我们讨论了有关如何建立和维持增强子-启动子相互作用的新概念,哺乳动物基因组的 3D 结构如何促进和限制增强子-启动子的接触,以及它们在正常发育和疾病期间在基因表达控制中所起的作用。