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Molecular Interactions and Toughening Mechanisms in Silk Fibroin-Epoxy Resin Blend Films.
Biomacromolecules ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-23 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.9b00260
Kang Yang 1, 2 , Kenjiro Yazawa 2 , Kousuke Tsuchiya 2 , Keiji Numata 2 , Juan Guan 1, 3

Natural silkworm silks have been applied to reinforce epoxy resin to achieve sub-ambient and impact toughness in the composite. However, the molecular interactions at the silk fiber-matrix interface of the composite are poorly understood. In this work, silk fibroin extracted from Bombyx mori silk is blended with an epoxy resin polymer system to study the molecular interactions between silk fibroin, epoxy compounds, and hardeners. The effects of chemical crosslinks between epoxy groups and hardeners or silk fibroin, as well as physical crosslinks in the β-sheet structure of silk fibroin, were discussed on the thermal stability, glass transition behavior, and mechanical properties of the blend films. A relationship between the crosslinking structure and mechanical properties for the films is proposed to enlighten on the toughening mechanisms. The findings would provide insights into forming strong and tough silk fibroin material as well as understanding the interface interactions of silk-epoxy composites.


