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Simultaneous oxidation of ammonium and tetracycline in a membrane aerated biofilm reactor
Science of the Total Environment ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.05.111
Banu Taşkan , Eoin Casey , Halil Hasar

The membrane aerated biofilms reactor (MABR) is an emerging technology in wastewater treatment with particular advantages including high rate nitrification, and very high oxygen transfer efficiencies. In this study a synthetic feed water incorporating tetracycline (TC) was investigated in a MABR. Simultaneous removal of ammonium and tetracycline (TC) in the reactor, formation of TC transformation products (TPs), and microbial community analysis in the biofilm growing on the membrane were performed. A range of TC and ammonium loading rates and the effect of different intra-membrane oxygen pressures were on treatment performance were systematically investigated. Successful nitrification and TC degradation were achieved with the highest TC removal (63%) obtained at a HRT of 18 h HRT and 0.41 bar gas pressure. It has shown that different operating conditions (HRT and gas pressure) do not cause a significant change in ammonium removal. The concentration of TPs such as ETC, EATC, and ATC was determined to be at the ppb level. Molecular results showed that MABR reactor was mainly dominated by β-proteobacteria. The relative abundance of this group decreased in parallel with the increasing ammonium and TC loading.



曝气膜生物膜反应器 (MABR) 是废水处理中的一种新兴技术,具有特殊优势,包括高速率硝化和非常高的氧气转移效率。在这项研究中,在 MABR 中研究了含有四环素 (TC) 的合成给水。同时去除反应器中的铵和四环素 (TC),形成 TC 转化产物 (TP),并在膜上生长的生物膜中进行微生物群落分析。系统研究了一系列 TC 和铵态氮负荷率以及不同膜内氧压对处理性能的影响。在 18 h HRT 和 0.41 bar 气体压力的 HRT 下,实现了最高的 TC 去除率 (63%),实现了成功的硝化和 TC 降解。研究表明,不同的操作条件(HRT 和气体压力)不会引起铵去除的显着变化。ETC 、 EATC 和 ATC 等 TP 的浓度被确定为 ppb 级。分子结果表明,MABR 反应器主要以 β-变形菌门为主。该组的相对丰度随着铵态氮和 TC 负载量的增加而降低。