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Ni2P Nanosheets on Carbon Cloth: An Efficient Flexible Electrode for Sodium-Ion Batteries
Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-03 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b00451
Yuan Wang 1, 2 , Qi Pan 1 , Kun Jia 1 , Huanbo Wang 3 , Jiajia Gao 1 , Chunliu Xu 1 , Yanjun Zhong 1 , Abdulmohsen Ali Alshehri 4 , Khalid Ahmad Alzahrani 4 , Xiaodong Guo 1 , Xuping Sun 2

Transition-metal phosphides have been increasingly investigated because of their high theoretical specific capacity and low potential for sodium storage. Herein, we describe the development of Ni2P nanosheets on carbon cloth (Ni2P Ns/CC), which behaves as a flexible 3D anode for sodium-ion batteries. Such a Ni2P Ns/CC delivers a high capacity of 399 mA h g–1 at 0.2 A g–1. At 2 A g–1, it still delivers 72 mA h g–1 even after 1000 cycles. The impressive performance is attributed to such a self-supported structure. Moreover, a possible conversion reaction mechanism is also carefully revealed.


碳布上的Ni 2 P纳米片:一种用于钠离子电池的高效柔性电极

过渡金属磷化物因其理论比容量高和钠储存潜力低而得到了越来越多的研究。在这里,我们描述了碳布(Ni 2 P Ns / CC)上Ni 2 P纳米片的发展,该碳布充当钠离子电池的柔性3D阳极。这样的Ni 2 P Ns / CC在0.2 A g –1时可提供399 mA hg –1的高容量。在2 A g –1的情况下,即使经过1000次循环,它仍然可以提供72 mA hg –1的电流。令人印象深刻的性能归因于这种自支撑的结构。此外,还仔细揭示了可能的转化反应机理。