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Yellow β-Bi2O3/BaCO3 complex pigments with impressive near infrared reflectance and excellent color performance
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2019.04.031
Jian Zou , Ziyi Yu

Yellow Bi2O3/BaCO3 complex pigments were prepared by thermolysis of precursors from the precipitation of Bi2O2CO3 on BaCO3 particles at low temperature between 350 and 410 °C. The synthesized powders were analyzed by colorimetry , UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction , and scanning electron microscopy . The pigments were found to have composite phases consisting of β-Bi2O3 and BaCO3. The addition of BaCO3 substantially reduced the consumption of Bi2O3 and maintained comparable or improved color properties and NIR reflectance compared to pure β-Bi2O3. The complex pigments prepared at a 1:1 composition of Bi2O3/BaCO3exhibited excellent color performance, with L* = 95.63, b* = 79.85, and h° = 90.48 (closed to ideal yellow color, h° = 90), as well as impressive NIR reflectance of up to 96.51%. Finally, an approximately 7.6 °C decrease in temperature was observed for the inner surface of ceramic tiles coated with the cool pigments relative to blank polyurethane coating.


黄色 β-Bi2O3/BaCO3 复合颜料,具有令人印象深刻的近红外反射率和出色的色彩表现

黄色 Bi2O3/BaCO3 复合颜料是通过在 350 至 410 °C 之间的低温下将 Bi2O2CO3 沉淀在 BaCO3 颗粒上的前体热解制备的。通过比色法、紫外-可见-近红外光谱、X 射线衍射和扫描电子显微镜分析合成的粉末。发现颜料具有由 β-Bi2O3 和 BaCO3 组成的复合相。与纯 β-Bi2O3 相比,BaCO3 的添加显着降低了 Bi2O3 的消耗,并保持了可比或改善的颜色特性和 NIR 反射率。以 1:1 Bi2O3/BaCO3 组成制备的复合颜料表现出优异的色彩性能,L* = 95.63、b* = 79.85 和 h° = 90.48(接近理想的黄色,h° = 90),以及令人印象深刻的近红外反射率高达 96.51%。最后,大约 7。