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Nanoscale Mobility of the Apo State and TARP Stoichiometry Dictate the Gating Behavior of Alternatively Spliced AMPA Receptors
Neuron ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.03.046
G. Brent Dawe , Md. Fahim Kadir , Raminta Venskutonytė , Amanda M. Perozzo , Yuhao Yan , Ryan P.D. Alexander , Camilo Navarrete , Eduardo A. Santander , Marika Arsenault , Christian Fuentes , Mark R.P. Aurousseau , Karla Frydenvang , Nelson P. Barrera , Jette S. Kastrup , J. Michael Edwardson , Derek Bowie

Neurotransmitter-gated ion channels are allosteric proteins that switch on and off in response to agonist binding. Most studies have focused on the agonist-bound, activated channel while assigning a lesser role to the apo or resting state. Here, we show that nanoscale mobility of resting α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)-type ionotropic glutamate receptors (AMPA receptors) predetermines responsiveness to neurotransmitter, allosteric anions and TARP auxiliary subunits. Mobility at rest is regulated by alternative splicing of the flip/flop cassette of the ligand-binding domain, which controls motions in the distant AMPA receptor N-terminal domain (NTD). Flip variants promote moderate NTD movement, which establishes slower channel desensitization and robust regulation by anions and auxiliary subunits. In contrast, greater NTD mobility imparted by the flop cassette acts as a master switch to override allosteric regulation. In AMPA receptor heteromers, TARP stoichiometry further modifies these actions of the flip/flop cassette generating two functionally distinct classes of partially and fully TARPed receptors typical of cerebellar stellate and Purkinje cells.


