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Plutonium Oxidation States in Complex Molecular Solids
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-06 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b01527
Bingyun Ao 1, 2 , Ruizhi Qiu 1 , Shu-Xian Hu 2

Oxidation state is a key chemical quantity that allows the understanding and prediction of the majority of chemical reactions; however, the main deficiency using the formal oxidation state comes from the materials containing multivalent metals. Among them, the most complicated element plutonium (Pu) is an outstanding instance. Here, we calculate the orbital occupation numbers under the frameworks of first-principles density functional theory (DFT) + U methods to quantitatively determine the Pu-oxidation state of the recently reported complex molecular solids: [K(crypt)]Pu[C5H3(SiMe3)2]3, Pu3(DPA)5(H2O)2, and Pu3(DPA)6H. The results show that the oxidation state of Pu is an extremely low Pu2+ in the former and a mixed Pu3+/Pu4+ in the latter two compounds, which is consistent with the experimental identifications. The steric effects and the environmentally sensitive localization → delocalization transition of Pu 5f electrons can rationally elucidate the formation of the unusual oxidation states. Such atomic-resolution quantitative determination of the unusual Pu oxidation states in the complex molecular solids offers an alternative for the further exploration of peculiar Pu solid-state materials.



氧化态是一个关键的化学量,可以理解和预测大多数化学反应。然而,使用形式氧化态的主要缺陷来自包含多价金属的材料。其中,最复杂的元素p(Pu)是杰出的实例。在这里,我们在第一原理密度泛函理论(DFT)+ U方法的框架下计算轨道占据数,以定量确定最近报道的复杂分子固体的Pu氧化态:[K(crypt)] Pu [C 5 H 3(SiMe 32 ] 3,Pu 3(DPA)5(H 2 O)2,和Pu 3(DPA)6 H.结果表明,莆的氧化态是极低莆2+前和混合莆3+ /莆4+后两种化合物中,这是具有一致的实验标识。Pu 5f电子的空间效应和对环境敏感的局部化→离域化转变可以合理地阐明异常氧化态的形成。对复杂分子固体中异常Pu氧化态的这种原子分辨率定量测定为进一步探索特殊的Pu固态材料提供了一种选择。