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Development of a Continuous Flow Process for a Matteson Reaction: From Lab Scale to Full-Scale Production of a Pharmaceutical Intermediate
Organic Process Research & Development ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-24 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.8b00340
Clemens Stueckler 1 , Peter Hermsen 2 , Bas Ritzen 2 , Maria Vasiloiu 1 , Peter Poechlauer 1 , Stefan Steinhofer 1 , Andreas Pelz 1 , Christopher Zinganell 1 , Ulfried Felfer 1 , Serge Boyer 3 , Michel Goldbach 2 , André de Vries 2 , Thomas Pabst 4 , Georg Winkler 4 , Vito LaVopa 5 , Scott Hecker 3 , Christian Schuster 1

Within this paper, we present the design, development, and scale-up of a process for a continuous Matteson reaction to produce a key intermediate toward the β-lactamase inhibitor vaborbactam. This includes the successful implementation of the continuous concept at a multiton production scale for the API at Patheon, part of Thermo Fisher Scientific. The first-generation continuous flow production with its discontinuous downstream processing was further developed to a fully continuous production through installation of a continuous loop reactor. This enabled increased productivity and energy efficiency, eliminated volume and time bottlenecks, and reduced waste.



在本文中,我们介绍了连续Matteson反应产生针对β-内酰胺酶抑制剂vaborbactam的关键中间体的过程的设计,开发和放大。这包括在Thermo Fisher Scientific旗下的Patheon的API的多吨生产规模上成功实施连续概念。通过安装连续回路反应器,第一代连续流生产及其不连续的下游工艺进一步发展为完全连续的生产。这提高了生产率和能源效率,消除了体积和时间瓶颈,并减少了浪费。