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Hierarchical MoS2 Hollow Architectures with Abundant Mo Vacancies for Efficient Sodium Storage
ACS Nano ( IF 15.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-22 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b00383
Yang Li 1, 2 , Rupeng Zhang 3 , Wei Zhou 4 , Xin Wu 1 , Huabin Zhang 5 , Jian Zhang 1

Achieving a molecular level understanding of surface performance of nanomaterials by modulating the electronic structure is important but challenging. Here, we have developed a hollow microcube framework constructed by Mo-defect-rich ultrathin MoS2 nanosheets (HMF-MoS2) through a zeolite-like-framework-engaged strategy. The hollow structured HMF-MoS2 delivers an impressive specific capacity (384.3 mA h g–1 after 100 cycles at 100 mA g–1) and cycle stability (267 mA h g–1 after 125 cycles at 1 A g–1) for sodium storage. As evidenced by experiments and density functional theory calculations, abundant Mo vacancies in MoS2 can greatly accelerate the charge transfer and enhance the interaction between MoS2 and sodium, resulting in the promotion of sodium storage. Kinetic analysis result reveals that the ultrafast sodium ion storage of HMF-MoS2 could be associated with the significant contribution of capacitive energy storage. This work highlights the detailed molecular level understanding of chemical reaction on MoS2 surface by defect and morphology engineering, which can be applied to other metal sulfides for energy storage devices.


具有丰富Mo空位的分层MoS 2空心架构,可有效存储钠

通过调节电子结构实现对纳米材料表面性能的分子水平理解是重要但具有挑战性的。在这里,我们开发了一种空心微立方体框架,该框架由富Mo缺陷的超薄MoS 2纳米片(HMF-MoS 2)通过类似沸石的框架参与策略构建而成。中空结构HMF-MOS 2提供一个令人印象深刻的比容量(384.3毫安汞柱-1在100mA克100次循环后-1)和循环稳定性(267毫安汞柱-1 1 A G 125次循环后-1用于存储钠) 。实验和密度泛函理论计算证明,MoS 2中有大量的Mo空位可以极大地加速电荷转移并增强MoS 2与钠之间的相互作用,从而促进钠的储存。动力学分析结果表明,HMF-MoS 2的超快钠离子存储可能与电容性储能的显着贡献有关。这项工作强调了通过缺陷和形态工程学对MoS 2表面化学反应进行详细的分子级理解,可以将其应用于其他用于能量存储设备的金属硫化物。