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Moses effect: physics and applications
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science ( IF 15.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cis.2019.04.003
Edward Bormashenko

Deformation of the surface of a diamagnetic liquid by a magnetic field is called the “Moses Effect”. Magnetic fields of ca 0.5 T give rise to near surface dips with a depth of dozens of microns. The physics and applications of direct and inverse Moses effects are reviewed, including trapping and self-assembly of particles. Experimental techniques enabling visualization of the effects are surveyed. The impact of a magnetic field on micro- and macroscopic properties of liquids is addressed. The influence of surface tension on the shape of the near-surface dip formed in a diamagnetic liquid by magnetic field is reported. Floating of diamagnetic bodies driven by the Moses effect is treated. The “magnetic memory of water” in relation to the Moses Effect is discussed. The dynamics of self-healing of near-surface dips due to the Moses Effect is considered.



通过磁场使反磁性液体的表面变形称为“摩西效应”。ca的磁场0.5 T会导致表面深度下降数十微米。回顾了正和反摩西效应的物理学及其应用,包括粒子的俘获和自组装。对使效果可视化的实验技术进行了调查。解决了磁场对液体微观和宏观特性的影响。报道了表面张力对通过磁场在反磁性液体中形成的近表面倾角的形状的影响。处理了由摩西效应驱动的抗磁性体的漂浮。讨论了与摩西效应有关的“水的磁记忆”。考虑了由于摩西效应而引起的近地表倾角自我修复的动力学。
