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Type IV pili: dynamics, biophysics and functional consequences.
Nature Reviews Microbiology ( IF 69.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-01 , DOI: 10.1038/s41579-019-0195-4
Lisa Craig 1 , Katrina T Forest 2 , Berenike Maier 3

The surfaces of many bacteria are decorated with long, exquisitely thin appendages called type IV pili (T4P), dynamic filaments that are rapidly polymerized and depolymerized from a pool of pilin subunits. Cycles of pilus extension, binding and retraction enable T4P to perform a phenomenally diverse array of functions, including twitching motility, DNA uptake and microcolony formation. On the basis of recent developments, a comprehensive understanding is emerging of the molecular architecture of the T4P machinery and the filament it builds, providing mechanistic insights into the assembly and retraction processes. Combined microbiological and biophysical approaches have revealed how T4P dynamics influence self-organization of bacteria, how bacteria respond to external stimuli to regulate T4P activity for directed movement, and the role of T4P retraction in surface sensing. In this Review, we discuss the T4P machine architecture and filament structure and present current molecular models for T4P dynamics, with a particular focus on recent insights into T4P retraction. We also discuss the functional consequences of T4P dynamics, which have important implications for bacterial lifestyle and pathogenesis.


IV 型菌毛:动力学、生物物理学和功能后果。

许多细菌的表面都装饰有长而纤细的附属物,称为 IV 型菌毛 (T4P),这种动态细丝从菌毛亚基池中快速聚合和解聚。菌毛延伸、结合和收缩的循环使 T4P 能够执行极其多样化的功能,包括抽搐运动、DNA 摄取和微菌落形成。在最近发展的基础上,对 T4P 机器的分子结构及其构建的细丝有了全面的了解,从而为组装和回缩过程提供了机理见解。微生物学和生物物理学相结合的方法揭示了 T4P 动力学如何影响细菌的自组织,细菌如何响应外部刺激以调节 T4P 活性以进行定向运动,以及 T4P 回缩在表面传感中的作用。在这篇评论中,我们讨论了 T4P 机器结构和细丝结构,并介绍了当前的 T4P 动力学分子模型,特别关注最近对 T4P 回缩的见解。我们还讨论了 T4P 动力学的功能后果,这对细菌生活方式和发病机制具有重要意义。