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Real-Time in Situ Visualizing of the Sequential Activation of Caspase Cascade Using a Multicolor Gold-Selenium Bonding Fluorescent Nanoprobe.
Analytical Chemistry ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-03 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b00452
Xiaojun Liu 1 , Xiaoxiao Song 1 , Dongrui Luan 1 , Bo Hu 1 , Kehua Xu 1 , Bo Tang 1

The caspase cascade is an ensemble of very important signaling molecules that plays a critical role in cell apoptosis. Real-time monitoring of the upstream and downstream activation relationships of the caspases in the signal pathway is of great significance for understanding the regulatory mechanisms of these signaling molecules in the development of various diseases. Herein, a multicolor fluorescent nanoprobe, GNP-Se-Casp, has been developed based on Au–Se bonding for real-time in situ monitoring caspase- (casp-) 3, 8, and 9 during cell apoptosis. In the real-time fluorescence imaging of apoptotic HeLa cells induced by staurosporine using GNP-Se-Casp, the fluorescence signals corresponding to casp-8 and casp-9 sequentially turn on, followed by the appearance of the fluorescence of casp-3, which visualizes the upstream and downstream relationships of casp-3, -8, and -9. Thus, GNP-Se-Casp is an effective tool for real-time in situ monitoring of caspase cascade activation in the apoptosis process of tumor cells. This design strategy is easily adaptable to in situ detection of other signal molecules, especially those with upstream and downstream activation relationships.


