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Mechanisms and functions of ribosome-associated protein quality control.
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology ( IF 81.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-01 , DOI: 10.1038/s41580-019-0118-2
Claudio A P Joazeiro 1, 2

The stalling of ribosomes during protein synthesis results in the production of truncated polypeptides that can have deleterious effects on cells and therefore must be eliminated. In eukaryotes, this function is carried out by a dedicated surveillance mechanism known as ribosome-associated protein quality control (RQC). The E3 ubiquitin ligase Ltn1 (listerin in mammals) plays a key part in RQC by targeting the aberrant nascent polypeptides for proteasomal degradation. Consistent with having an important protein quality control function, mutations in listerin cause neurodegeneration in mice. Ltn1/listerin is part of the multisubunit RQC complex, and recent findings have revealed that the Rqc2 subunit of this complex catalyses the formation of carboxy-terminal alanine and threonine tails (CAT tails), which are extensions of nascent chains known to either facilitate substrate ubiquitylation and targeting for degradation or induce protein aggregation. RQC, originally described for quality control on ribosomes translating cytosolic proteins, is now known to also have a role on the surfaces of the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. This Review describes our current knowledge on RQC mechanisms, highlighting key features of Ltn1/listerin action that provide a paradigm for understanding how E3 ligases operate in protein quality control in general, and discusses how defects in this pathway may compromise cellular function and lead to disease.



蛋白质合成过程中核糖体的停滞导致产生截短的多肽,这些多肽会对细胞产生有害影响,因此必须消除。在真核生物中,此功能由称为核糖体相关蛋白质量控制 (RQC) 的专用监控机制执行。E3 泛素连接酶 Ltn1(哺乳动物中的李斯特林)通过靶向异常的新生多肽进行蛋白酶体降解,在 RQC 中发挥关键作用。与具有重要的蛋白质质量控​​制功能一致,李斯特菌素的突变会导致小鼠神经退行性变。Ltn1/listerin 是多亚基 RQC 复合体的一部分,最近的研究结果表明,该复合体的 Rqc2 亚基催化羧基末端丙氨酸和苏氨酸尾(CAT 尾)的形成,它们是新生链的延伸,已知它们要么促进底物泛素化和靶向降解,要么诱导蛋白质聚集。RQC 最初被描述用于翻译胞质蛋白的核糖体的质量控制,现在已知在内质网和线粒体的表面也有作用。这篇综述描述了我们目前对 RQC 机制的了解,突出了 Ltn1/listerin 作用的关键特征,这些特征为理解 E3 连接酶在蛋白质质量控​​制中的作用提供了一个范式,并讨论了该途径中的缺陷如何损害细胞功能并导致疾病. 现在已知它在内质网和线粒体的表面也有作用。这篇综述描述了我们目前对 RQC 机制的了解,突出了 Ltn1/listerin 作用的关键特征,这些特征为理解 E3 连接酶在蛋白质质量控​​制中的作用提供了一个范式,并讨论了该途径中的缺陷如何损害细胞功能并导致疾病. 现在已知它在内质网和线粒体的表面也有作用。这篇综述描述了我们目前对 RQC 机制的了解,突出了 Ltn1/listerin 作用的关键特征,这些特征为理解 E3 连接酶在蛋白质质量控​​制中的作用提供了一个范式,并讨论了该途径中的缺陷如何损害细胞功能并导致疾病.