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Interpenetrated structures appeared in supramolecular cages, MOFs, COFs
Coordination Chemistry Reviews ( IF 20.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ccr.2019.03.002
Rongmei Zhu , Jiawei Ding , Ling Jin , Huan Pang

The construction of interpenetrated structures was originally achieved via the self-assembly process by an accidental discovery. Nevertheless, this type of interpenetrated structure exhibits fascinating properties and outstanding applications, such as catalysis, molecule recognition and separation, selective gas adsorption. Recent years, several groups focus on the development of such interesting structures and explore their potential applications in different areas. Herein, interpenetrated structures including interpenetrated supramolecular cages, MOFs and COFs are discussed in this manuscript. Concrete examples in recent years are reviewed to illustrate their synthetic strategies, structural features and potential applications. We would like to provide an overview on the developments in the area of interpenetrated topologies and hope this review can shed some light on the further investigation of interpenetrated architectures and provide some insight on their applications.



