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Spectral Interference in High Harmonic Generation from Solids
ACS Photonics ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-28 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.9b00019
Yong Woo Kim 1 , Tian-Jiao Shao 2, 3 , Hyunwoong Kim 1 , Seunghwoi Han 4 , Seungchul Kim 5 , Marcelo Ciappina 6 , Xue-Bin Bian 2 , Seung-Woo Kim 1

Various interference effects are known to exist in the process of high harmonic generation (HHG) both at the single atom and macroscopic levels (Kanai, T.; et al. Nature2005, 435, 470–474; Zaı̈r, A.; et al. Phys. Rev. Lett.2008, 100, 143902; Heyl, C. M.; et al. Phys. Rev. Lett.2011, 107, 033903). In particular, the quantum path difference between the long and short trajectories of electron excursion causes the HHG yield to experience interference-based temporal and spectral modulations (He, L.; et al. Phys. Rev. A2015, 92, 043403; Nefedova, V. E.; et al. Phys. Rev. A2018, 98, 033414). In solids, due to additional phenomena such as multiband superposition (Hohenleutner, M.; et al. Nature2015, 523, 572–575) and crystal symmetry dependency (Langer, F.; et al. Nat. Photonics2017, 11, 227–231; Liu, H.; et al. Nat. Phys.2017, 13, 262–265), the HHG mechanism appears to be more complicated than in gaseous atoms in identifying accompanying interference phenomena. Here, we first report experimental data showing intensity-dependent spectral modulation and broadening of high harmonics observed from bulk sapphire. Then, by adopting theoretical simulation, the extraordinary observation is interpreted as a result of the quantum path interference between the long and short electron/hole trajectories. Specifically, the long trajectory undergoes an intensity-dependent redshift, which coherently combines with the short trajectory to exhibit spectral splitting in an anomalous way of inverse proportion to the driving laser intensity. This quantum interference may be extended to higher harmonics with increasing the laser intensity, underpinning the potential for precise control of the phase matching and modulation, even in the extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray regime. Further, this approach may act as a novel tool for probing arbitrary crystals so as to adjust the electron dynamics of higher harmonics for attosecond spectroscopy.



各种干扰效应是已知的,产生高次谐波(高次谐波)的过程中都存在于单个原子和宏观水平(金井,T。等自然2005年435,470-474; ZAIR,A .;等人。。物理学快报修订版。2008100,143902; HEYL,CM;等人。物理学快报修订版。2011107,033903)。特别地,电子偏移的长和短的轨迹之间的量子路径差导致高次谐波产率经验基于干扰的时间和频谱调制(赫,L .;等人,物理学修订版A。201592,043403; Nefedova ,VE;等,Phys.Rev.A201898,033414)。在固体中,由于附加的现象如多频带叠加(Hohenleutner,M .;等人自然2015年523,572-575)和晶体对称性的依赖性(兰格,F。等光子纳特。201711,227 -231;刘,H。等纳特物理学。2017年13(262-265),在识别伴随的干扰现象时,HHG的机理似乎比气态原子更复杂。在这里,我们首先报告的实验数据显示了强度依赖的光谱调制和从大面积蓝宝石观察到的高次谐波的展宽。然后,通过理论模拟,将异常观察解释为长/短电子/空穴轨迹之间的量子路径干涉的结果。具体地,长轨迹经历强度相关的红移,其与短轨迹连贯地结合,以与驱动激光强度成反比的反常方式表现出光谱分裂。随着激光强度的增加,这种量子干扰可能会扩展到更高的谐波,即使在极端紫外线和柔和X射线条件下,也可以精确控制相位匹配和调制。此外,该方法可以用作探测任意晶体的新工具,从而为阿托秒光谱法调整高次谐波的电子动力学。