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Fate of Trace Organic Compounds in the Hyporheic Zone: Influence of Retardation, the Benthic Biolayer, and Organic Carbon
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-04 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b06231
Jonas L. Schaper 1, 2 , Malte Posselt 3 , Camille Bouchez 4 , Anna Jaeger 1, 5 , Gunnar Nuetzmann 1, 5 , Anke Putschew 2 , Gabriel Singer 1 , Joerg Lewandowski 1, 5

The fate of 28 trace organic compounds (TrOCs) was investigated in the hyporheic zone (HZ) of an urban lowland river in Berlin, Germany. Water samples were collected hourly over 17 h in the river and in three depths in the HZ using minipoint samplers. The four relatively variable time series were subsequently used to calculate first-order removal rates and retardation coefficients via a one-dimensional reactive transport model. Reversible sorption processes led to substantial retardation of many TrOCs along the investigated hyporheic flow path. Some TrOCs, such as dihydroxy-carbamazepine, O-desmethylvenlafaxine, and venlafaxine, were found to be stable in the HZ. Others were readily removed with half-lives in the first 10 cm of the HZ ranging from 0.1 ± 0.01 h for iopromide to 3.3 ± 0.3 h for tramadol. Removal rate constants of the majority of reactive TrOCs were highest in the first 10 cm of the HZ, where removal of biodegradable dissolved organic matter was also the highest. Because conditions were oxic along the top 30 cm of the investigated flow path, we attribute this finding to the high microbial activity typically associated with the shallow HZ. Frequent and short vertical hyporheic exchange flows could therefore be more important for reach-scale TrOC removal than long, lateral hyporheic flow paths.



在德国柏林的城市低地河流的低流带(HZ)中研究了28种微量有机化合物(TrOCs)的命运。使用minipoint采样器每小时在河中每小时采集水样,在HZ的三个深度每小时采集一次水样。随后使用四个相对可变的时间序列通过一维反应性传输模型来计算一阶去除率和延迟系数。可逆的吸附过程导致沿研究的流变流路的许多TrOC的大量阻滞。某些TrOC,例如二羟基卡马西平,O发现去甲基文拉法辛和文拉法辛在HZ中稳定。其他化合物很容易被去除,在HZ的前10厘米有半衰期,从碘丙酰胺0.1±0.01 h到曲马多3.3±0.3 h。大多数反应性TrOC的去除速率常数在HZ的前10厘米中最高,其中可生物降解的溶解有机物的去除也最高。由于条件是沿着研究的流动路径的顶部30厘米是有氧的,因此我们将此发现归因于通常与浅水区相关的高微生物活性。因此,频繁的和短的垂直流向交换流对于长距离的TrOC去除可能比长的,侧向的流向交换路径更为重要。