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An automated Raman-based platform for the sorting of live cells by functional properties.
Nature Microbiology ( IF 20.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-18 , DOI: 10.1038/s41564-019-0394-9
Kang Soo Lee 1, 2 , Márton Palatinszky 3 , Fátima C Pereira 3 , Jen Nguyen 1, 2 , Vicente I Fernandez 1, 2 , Anna J Mueller 3 , Filippo Menolascina 4 , Holger Daims 3, 5 , David Berry 3 , Michael Wagner 3, 5 , Roman Stocker 1, 2

Stable-isotope probing is widely used to study the function of microbial taxa in their natural environment, but sorting of isotopically labelled microbial cells from complex samples for subsequent genomic analysis or cultivation is still in its early infancy. Here, we introduce an optofluidic platform for automated sorting of stable-isotope-probing-labelled microbial cells, combining microfluidics, optical tweezing and Raman microspectroscopy, which yields live cells suitable for subsequent single-cell genomics, mini-metagenomics or cultivation. We describe the design and optimization of this Raman-activated cell-sorting approach, illustrate its operation with four model bacteria (two intestinal, one soil and one marine) and demonstrate its high sorting accuracy (98.3 ± 1.7%), throughput (200-500 cells h-1; 3.3-8.3 cells min-1) and compatibility with cultivation. Application of this sorting approach for the metagenomic characterization of bacteria involved in mucin degradation in the mouse colon revealed a diverse consortium of bacteria, including several members of the underexplored family Muribaculaceae, highlighting both the complexity of this niche and the potential of Raman-activated cell sorting for identifying key players in targeted processes.



稳定同位素探测广泛用于研究微生物类群在其自然环境中的功能,但从复杂样品中分选同位素标记的微生物细胞以进行后续基因组分析或培养仍处于起步阶段。在这里,我们介绍了一种光流控平台,用于自动分选稳定同位素探测标记的微生物细胞,结合微流控、光镊和拉曼显微光谱,产生适用于后续单细胞基因组学、微型宏基因组学或培养的活细胞。我们描述了这种拉曼激活细胞分选方法的设计和优化,用四种模型细菌(两种肠道、一种土壤和一种海洋)说明了它的操作,并展示了它的高分选精度(98.3 ± 1.7%)、吞吐量(200- 500 个细胞 h-1;3.3-8。3 细胞 min-1) 和培养相容性。将这种分选方法应用于小鼠结肠粘蛋白降解所涉及的细菌的宏基因组表征,揭示了一个多样化的细菌群,包括未充分探索的 Muribaculaceae 家族的几个成员,突出了这一生态位的复杂性和拉曼激活细胞的潜力排序以识别目标流程中的关键参与者。