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Adverse Effects of Triclosan and Binary Mixtures with 17β-Estradiol on Testicular Development and Reproduction in Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes) at Environmentally Relevant Concentrations
Environmental Science & Technology Letters ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-02-09 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.8b00003
Chen Wang 1 , Yu Li 1 , Guomao Zheng 1 , Shiyi Zhang 1 , Yi Wan 1 , Jianying Hu 1

Considering triclosan (TCS) is ubiquitous in surface water and wild fish at relatively high concentrations, its adverse effects on gonadal development and reproduction were evaluated. After exposure for 100 days after hatching, the lowest observable effective concentration (LOEC) of TCS to significantly induce gonadal intersex in male Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) was 117.9 ng/L. Courtship frequency and hatching rates in male medaka were significantly inhibited, and the LOECs of TCS to impact courtship frequency and hatching rates were 117.9 and 17.2 ng/L, respectively. Male medaka were also exposed to binary mixtures of 2.2 ng/L 17β-estradiol (βE2) with 2.3 ng/L TCS and 2.4 ng/L βE2 with 117.9 ng/L TCS, and a more severe intersex induction and depressed mating behavior compared to those seen after exposure to only βE2 or TCS were observed. The adverse effects of TCS and binary mixtures with βE2 on testicular development and reproduction in fish at environmentally relevant concentrations are demonstrated here for the first time.


三氯生及其与17β-雌二醇的二元混合物在环境相关浓度下对日本Med(Oryzias latipes)睾丸发育和繁殖的不利影响。

考虑到三氯生(TCS)在地表水和野生鱼类中普遍存在,浓度较高,因此评估了其对性腺发育和繁殖的不利影响。孵化后暴露100天后,TCS的最低可观察有效浓度(LOEC)显着诱导雄性日本medaka(Oryzias latipes)的性腺性交)为117.9 ng / L。男性青的求爱频率和孵化率受到显着抑制,TCS影响求爱频率和孵化率的LOEC分别为117.9和17.2 ng / L。雄性花aka还暴露于2.2 ng / L17β-雌二醇(βE2)与2.3 ng / L TCS和2.4 ng / LβE2与117.9 ng / L TCS的二元混合物中,与之相比,更强烈的两性诱导和沮丧的交配行为仅在暴露于βE2或TCS后观察到的那些。本文首次证明了TCS以及与βE2的二元混合物对鱼类在环境相关浓度下睾丸发育和繁殖的不利影响。