Journal of Cleaner Production ( IF 9.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.03.057 Liang Chen , Lei Wang , Dong-Wan Cho , Daniel C.W. Tsang , Lizhi Tong , Yaoyu Zhou , Jian Yang , Qing Hu , Chi Sun Poon
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Municipal solid waste incinerator fly ash (IFA) is categorized as a hazardous waste, which requires proper treatment prior to landfilling due to its high concentrations of toxic elements. This study developed an innovative and cleaner method for stabilization/solidification (S/S) of IFA by the incorporation of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) and green stabilizers. Quantitative X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric analyses indicated that toxic elements in IFA inhibited the cement hydration. Therefore, the single use of cement (10 wt%) was not efficient for the immobilization of toxic elements, especially for Pb. The incorporation of SCMs (20 wt% of binder) such as silica fume facilitated the formation of additional cement hydrates and reduced Pb leachability by 36.3%. The addition of green stabilizers such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP) and wood waste-derived biochar also improved the immobilization of toxic elements. KDP directly combined with Pb2+ to form a precipitate of Pb3(PO4)2, whereas biochar promoted the generation of cement hydrates for S/S via the effect of internal curing. The incorporation of silica fume (40 wt%) in the binder was the most effective. Overall, this study demonstrated that the selected green binders can serve as low-carbon and high-efficient material for S/S of hazardous ash residue such as IFA.

市政固体垃圾焚烧炉的飞灰(IFA)被归类为危险废物,由于其高浓度的有毒元素,需要在填埋前进行适当的处理。这项研究通过结合补充胶凝材料(SCM)和绿色稳定剂,开发了一种创新,更清洁的IFA稳定/固化(S / S)方法。定量X射线衍射和热重分析表明,IFA中的有毒元素抑制了水泥的水合作用。因此,单独使用水泥(10 wt%)对于固定有毒元素(尤其是铅)无效。SCM(粘合剂的20 wt%)例如硅粉的掺入促进了额外水泥水合物的形成,并使Pb浸出率降低了36.3%。添加绿色稳定剂,例如磷酸二氢钾(KDP)和源自木材废料的生物炭,也改善了有毒元素的固定性。KDP直接与Pb结合2+形成Pb 3(PO 4)2的沉淀,而生物炭通过内部固化的作用促进了S / S水泥水合物的生成。在粘合剂中掺入二氧化硅粉(40wt%)是最有效的。总体而言,这项研究表明,所选的绿色粘结剂可以用作危险碳渣(例如IFA)的S / S的低碳高效材料。