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Predictive Semiclassical Model for Coherent and Incoherent Emission in the Strong Field Regime: The Mollow Triplet Revisited
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-07 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b00181
Hsing-Ta Chen 1 , Tao E. Li 1 , Abraham Nitzan 1 , Joseph E. Subotnik 1

We reinvestigate the famous Mollow triplet and show that most of the well-known quantum characteristics of the Mollow triplet—including incoherent emission and a nonstandard dependence of the sidebands on detuning—can be recovered quantitatively using semiclassical dynamics with a classical light field. In fact, by not relying on the rotating wave approximation, a semiclassical model predicts some quantum effects beyond the quantum optical Bloch equation, including higher-order scattering and asymmetric sideband features. This Letter highlights the fact that, with strong intensities, many putatively quantum features of light–matter interactions arise from a simple balance of mean-field electrodynamics and elementary spontaneous emission, which requires minimal computational cost. Our results suggest that the application of semiclassical electrodynamics to problems with strong light–matter coupling in the fields of nanophotonics and superradiance are likely to yield a plethora of new information.


强场条件下相干和非相干发射的预测半经典模型:Mollow Triplet的再研究
