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Magnetic 3D scaffold: A theranostic tool for tissue regeneration and non-invasive imaging in vivo
Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nano.2019.02.022
Koythatta Meethaleveetil Sajesh , Anusha Ashokan , Genekehal Siddaramana Gowd , Thangalazhi Balakrishanan Sivanarayanan , A.K.K Unni , Shantikumar V. Nair , Manzoor Koyakutty

We report an osteoconducting magnetic 3D scaffold using Fe2+ doped nano-hydroxyapatite-Alginate-Gelatin (AGHFe1) for Magnetic Resonance Imaging based non-invasive monitoring of bone tissue regeneration. In rat cranial defect model, the scaffold facilitated non-invasive monitoring of cell migration, inflammatory response and matrix deposition by unique changes in transverse relaxation time (T2). Cell infiltration resulted in a considerable increase in T2 from ~37 to ~62 ms, which gradually returned to that of native bone (~23 ms) by 90 days. We used this method to compare in vivo performance of scaffold with bone-morphogenic protein-2 (AGHFe2) or faster degrading (AGHFe3). MRI and histological analysis over 90 days showed non-uniform bone formation in AGHFe1 with ∆T2 (T2Native bone – T2 Regenerated bone) ~13 ms, whereas, AGHFe2 and AGHFe3 showed ∆T2 ~ 09 and 05 ms respectively, suggesting better bone formation in AGHFe3. Thus, we show that MR-contrast enabled scaffold can help better assessment of bone-regeneration non-invasively.



我们报告了使用Fe 2+掺杂的纳米羟基磷灰石-藻酸盐-明胶(AGHFe1)的骨传导磁性3D支架,用于基于磁共振成像的骨组织再生的无创监测。在大鼠颅骨缺损模型中,支架通过横向弛豫时间(T2)的独特变化,促进了细胞迁移,炎症反应和基质沉积的无创监测。细胞浸润导致T2从〜37 ms显着增加到〜62 ms,并在90天后逐渐恢复为天然骨(〜23 ms)。我们使用这种方法来比较具有骨形态发生蛋白2(AGHFe2)或更快降解(AGHFe3)的支架的体内性能。超过90天的MRI和组织学分析显示,AGHFe1的骨形成不均匀,伴有ΔT2(T2天然骨– T2再生骨)〜13 ms,而AGHFe2和AGHFe3分别显示∆T2〜09和05 ms,表明AGHFe3中更好的骨形成。因此,我们表明启用MR造影剂的支架可以帮助非侵入性更好地评估骨再生。
