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Fabrication of Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells in High‐Humidity Environment through Trace‐Doping of Large‐Sized Cations
ChemSusChem ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-18 , DOI: 10.1002/cssc.201900106
Xueping Liu 1 , Jiang He 1 , Pengfei Wang 1 , Yuhao Liu 2 , Junyan Xiao 3 , Zhiliang Ku 1 , Yong Peng 1 , Fuzhi Huang 1 , Yi‐Bing Cheng 1, 4, 5 , Jie Zhong 1

Solution‐processed organic–inorganic lead halide perovskites have shown photovoltaic performance above 23 %, attracting great attention. However, the champion devices require fabrication in a controlled inert/dry atmosphere. The development of highly efficient and stable perovskite solar cells under high‐humidity atmosphere conditions for future commercialization is still challenging, especially for CH3NH3PbI3 (MAPbI3), which is vulnerable to moisture. In this study, a large‐sized tert‐butylammonium [C(CH3)3NH3+] organic cation was incorporated into the MAPbI3 crystalline structure, which could form a more stable 3 D crystalline structure and alleviate the decomposition caused by the humidity. It delivered a power conversion efficiency of 19.3 % upon preparation under a humid environment condition of 50 % relative humidity as well as improved humidity and thermal stability. Our work provides a facile strategy for improving perovskite performance and stability by introducing a new chemical additive for the future application of perovskite solar cells.



溶液处理的有机-无机卤化铅钙钛矿的光伏性能超过23%,引起了极大的关注。然而,冠军设备需要在受控的惰性/干燥气氛中制造。为未来的商业化高湿度气氛下的条件下高效稳定钙钛矿太阳能电池的发展仍然具有挑战性的,尤其是对CH 3 NH 3碘化铅3(MAPbI 3),这是易受潮气。在这项研究中,大型叔丁基铵[C(CH 33 NH 3 + ]有机阳离子被掺入MAPbI 3中。晶体结构,可以形成更稳定的3D晶体结构,并减轻湿气引起的分解。在相对湿度为50%的潮湿环境条件下进行制备时,其功率转换效率为19.3%,并且改善了湿度和热稳定性。通过为钙钛矿太阳能电池的未来应用引入新的化学添加剂,我们的工作提供了一种提高钙钛矿性能和稳定性的简便策略。