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Lead‐Free Perovskite Derivative Cs2SnCl6−xBrx Single Crystals for Narrowband Photodetectors
Advanced Optical Materials ( IF 8.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-06 , DOI: 10.1002/adom.201900139
Jun Zhou 1 , Jiajun Luo 2 , Ximing Rong 3, 4 , Peijia Wei 1 , Maxim S. Molokeev 5, 6, 7 , Yang Huang 3, 4 , Jing Zhao 1 , Quanlin Liu 1 , Xiuwen Zhang 3 , Jiang Tang 2 , Zhiguo Xia 1, 8

Lead‐free and stable Sn halide perovskites demonstrate tremendous potential in the field of optoelectronic devices. Here, the structure and optical properties of the “defect” perovskites Cs2SnCl6−xBrx are reported, as well as their use as photodetector materials. Millimeter‐sized Cs2SnCl6−xBrx single crystals are grown by the hydrothermal method, with the body color continuously changing from transparent to yellow and finally to dark red. Narrowband single‐crystal photodetectors using Cs2SnCl6−xBrx crystals are presented, which show a high detectivity of ≈2.71 × 1010 Jones, with narrowband photodetection (full‐width at half‐maximum ≈45 nm) and high ion diffusion barriers. Moreover, the response spectra are continuously tuned from near violet to orange depending on the variation of the bandgap of the single crystals by changing the halide compositions. The strong surface charge recombination of the excess carriers near the crystal surfaces produced by short wavelength light elucidates the narrowband photodetection behavior. This work provides a new paradigm in the design of lead‐free, stable, and high‐performance perovskite derivatives for optoelectronics applications.



无铅且稳定的卤化锡钙钛矿在光电器件领域显示出巨大的潜力。在此,报告了“缺陷”钙钛矿Cs 2 SnCl 6− x Br x的结构和光学性质,以及它们作为光电探测器材料的用途。通过水热法可以生长出毫米级的Cs 2 SnCl 6− x Br x单晶,其体色不断地从透明变为黄色,最后变为深红色。提出了使用Cs 2 SnCl 6− x Br x晶体的窄带单晶体光电探测器,该探测器显示出约2.71×10的高探测率10琼斯,具有窄带光电检测功能(半峰全宽约为≈45nm)和高离子扩散势垒。而且,通过改变卤化物的组成,取决于单晶带隙的变化,响应光谱从近紫光连续调到橙光。短波长光在晶体表面附近产生的多余载流子的强表面电荷重组,阐明了窄带光检测行为。这项工作为光电子应用中的无铅,稳定和高性能钙钛矿衍生物的设计提供了新的范例。