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Construction of a Chemical Motor-Movable Frame Assembly Based on Camphor Grains Using Water-Floating 3D-Printed Models
Chemical Physics Letters ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2019.02.034
Hiroaki Morohashi , Masayuki Imai , Taro Toyota

Using water-floating 3D-printed models, we investigated the dynamics of camphor boats, which are composed of a one-holed board and a camphor grain, under constraint conditions where a rod hooks the camphor boat on the water surface. When a camphor boat was connected to a water-floating disk or another camphor boat through a rod, we found that regular dynamics of the camphor boat appear and depend on the mobility restriction of the disk, the rod length, and the position of a slit of the camphor boat. We performed numerical simulations to reproduce the observed motions with theoretical models including constraint conditions.



