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PCI and CABG for Treating Stable Coronary Artery Disease
Journal of the American College of Cardiology ( IF 21.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2018.11.053
Torsten Doenst 1 , Axel Haverich 2 , Patrick Serruys 3 , Robert O Bonow 4 , Pieter Kappetein 5 , Volkmar Falk 6 , Eric Velazquez 7 , Anno Diegeler 8 , Holger Sigusch 9

Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) are considered revascularization procedures, but only CABG can prolong life in stable coronary artery disease. Thus, PCI and CABG mechanisms may differ. Viability and/or ischemia detection to guide revascularization have been unable to accurately predict treatment effects of CABG or PCI, questioning a revascularization mechanism for improving survival. By contrast, preventing myocardial infarction may save lives. However, the majority of infarcts are generated by non-flow-limiting stenoses, but PCI is solely focused on treating flow-limiting lesions. Thus, PCI cannot be expected to significantly limit new infarcts, but CABG may do so through providing flow distal to vessel occlusions. All comparisons of CABG to PCI or medical therapy that demonstrate survival effects with CABG also demonstrate infarct reduction. Thus, CABG may differ from PCI by providing "surgical collateralization," prolonging life by preventing myocardial infarctions. The evidence is reviewed here.


PCI 和 CABG 治疗稳定型冠状动脉疾病

经皮冠状动脉介入治疗 (PCI) 和冠状动脉旁路移植术 (CABG) 被认为是血运重建手术,但只有 CABG 才能延长稳定性冠状动脉疾病的生命。因此,PCI 和 CABG 机制可能不同。指导血运重建的可行性和/或缺血检测无法准确预测 CABG 或 PCI 的治疗效果,质疑血运重建机制以提高生存率。相比之下,预防心肌梗塞可以挽救生命。然而,大多数梗塞是由非限流性狭窄引起的,但 PCI 仅专注于治疗限流性病变。因此,不能指望 PCI 显着限制新的梗塞,但 CABG 可以通过提供血管闭塞远端的血流来做到这一点。CABG 与 PCI 或药物治疗的所有比较表明 CABG 的生存效果也表明梗塞减少。因此,CABG 可能与 PCI 不同,因为它提供了“手术抵押”,通过预防心肌梗塞来延长寿命。此处审查证据。