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Pulsed Direct Current Electrospray: Enabling Systematic Analysis of Small Volume Sample by Boosting Sample Economy
Analytical Chemistry ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2015-10-30 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b02115
Zhenwei Wei 1 , Xingchuang Xiong 1 , Chengan Guo 1 , Xingyu Si 1 , Yaoyao Zhao 1 , Muyi He 1 , Chengdui Yang 1 , Wei Xu 1 , Fei Tang 1 , Xiang Fang 1 , Sichun Zhang 1 , Xinrong Zhang 1

We had developed pulsed direct current electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (pulsed-dc-ESI-MS) for systematically profiling and determining components in small volume sample. Pulsed-dc-ESI utilized constant high voltage to induce the generation of single polarity pulsed electrospray remotely. This method had significantly boosted the sample economy, so as to obtain several minutes MS signal duration from merely picoliter volume sample. The elongated MS signal duration enable us to collect abundant MS2 information on interested components in a small volume sample for systematical analysis. This method had been successfully applied for single cell metabolomics analysis. We had obtained 2-D profile of metabolites (including exact mass and MS2 data) from single plant and mammalian cell, concerning 1034 components and 656 components for Allium cepa and HeLa cells, respectively. Further identification had found 162 compounds and 28 different modification groups of 141 saccharides in a single Allium cepa cell, indicating pulsed-dc-ESI a powerful tool for small volume sample systematical analysis.



我们已经开发了脉冲直流电喷雾电离质谱(pulsed-dc-ESI-MS),用于系统分析和测定小体积样品中的组分。脉冲直流ESI利用恒定的高压远程感应单极性脉冲电喷雾的产生。该方法极大地提高了样品经济性,从而仅从皮升体积的样品中获得了几分钟的MS信号持续时间。延长的MS信号持续时间使我们能够在少量样品中收集有关感兴趣组分的大量MS 2信息,以进行系统分析。该方法已成功应用于单细胞代谢组学分析。我们已经获得了代谢物的二维特征(包括精确质量数和MS 2数据)来自单个植物和哺乳动物细胞,分别涉及洋葱cepa和HeLa细胞的1034个成分和656个成分。进一步的鉴定发现,在单个洋葱cepa细胞中有162种化合物和141个糖的28个不同的修饰基团,表明脉冲DC-ESI是进行小体积样品系统分析的有力工具。