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Effects of climate warming on carbon fluxes in grasslands— A global meta‐analysis
Global Change Biology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-19 , DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14603
Na Wang 1 , Benjamin Quesada 1, 2 , Longlong Xia 1 , Klaus Butterbach‐Bahl 1, 3 , Christine L. Goodale 4 , Ralf Kiese 1

Climate warming will affect terrestrial ecosystems in many ways, and warming‐induced changes in terrestrial carbon (C) cycling could accelerate or slow future warming. So far, warming experiments have shown a wide range of C flux responses, across and within biome types. However, past meta‐analyses of C flux responses have lacked sufficient sample size to discern relative responses for a given biome type. For instance grasslands contribute greatly to global terrestrial C fluxes, and to date grassland warming experiments provide the opportunity to evaluate concurrent responses of both plant and soil C fluxes. Here, we compiled data from 70 sites (in total 622 observations) to evaluate the response of C fluxes to experimental warming across three grassland types (cold, temperate, and semi‐arid), warming methods, and short (≤3 years) and longer‐term (>3 years) experiment lengths. Overall, our meta‐analysis revealed that experimental warming stimulated C fluxes in grassland ecosystems with regard to both plant production (e.g., net primary productivity (NPP) 15.4%; aboveground NPP (ANPP) by 7.6%, belowground NPP (BNPP) by 11.6%) and soil respiration (Rs) (9.5%). However, the magnitude of C flux stimulation varied significantly across cold, temperate and semi‐arid grasslands, in that responses for most C fluxes were larger in cold than temperate or semi‐arid ecosystems. In semi‐arid and temperate grasslands, ecosystem respiration (Reco) was more sensitive to warming than gross primary productivity (GPP), while the opposite was observed for cold grasslands, where warming produced a net increase in whole‐ecosystem C storage. However, the stimulatory effect of warming on ANPP and Rs observed in short‐term studies (≤3 years) in both cold and temperate grasslands disappeared in longer‐term experiments (>3 years). These results highlight the importance of conducting long‐term warming experiments, and in examining responses across a wide range of climate.



气候变暖将在许多方面影响陆地生态系统,而变暖导致的陆地碳循环变化可能会加速或减缓未来的变暖。到目前为止,变暖实验已经显示出跨生物群落类型和内部生物群落类型的广泛的C通量响应。但是,过去对C通量响应的荟萃分析缺乏足够的样本量来识别给定生物群系类型的相对响应。例如,草地对全球陆地碳通量有很大贡献,而迄今为止,草地变暖实验提供了评估植物和土壤碳通量同时响应的机会。在这里,我们收集了来自70个站点的数据(总共622个观测值),以评估C通量对三种草地类型(冷,温带和半干旱),变暖方法,实验时间短(≤3年)和长期(> 3年)。总体而言,我们的荟萃分析显示,实验性升温刺激了草地生态系统中两种植物生产的碳通量(例如,净初级生产力(NPP)为15.4%;地上NPP(ANPP)为7.6%,地下NPP(BNPP)为11.6)。 %)和土壤呼吸(Rs)(9.5%)。但是,在寒冷,温带和半干旱草地上,碳通量刺激的幅度差异很大,因为在寒冷地区,大多数碳通量的响应要大于温带或半干旱生态系统。在半干旱和温带草原,生态系统呼吸(Reco)比总初级生产力(GPP)对变暖更为敏感,而在寒冷的草地却观察到相反的情况,在变冷的草地中,变暖导致整个生态系统C储量净增加。然而,短期实验(≤3年)在寒冷和温带草原上观察到的变暖对ANPP和Rs的刺激作用在长期实验(> 3年)中消失了。这些结果突出了进行长期变暖实验以及检查各种气候响应的重要性。