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Fate and transport of metal trace elements from phosphogypsum piles in Tunisia and their impact on soil bacteria and wild plants
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety ( IF 6.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.02.051
Jihen Jalali , Pierre Gaudin , Hervé Capiaux , Emna Ammar , Thierry Lebeau

The phosphate industry in Tunisia generates large amounts of phosphogypsum (PG) with more than 107 t per year. Environmental impact of this solid waste was studied. Cd, Ce, La, Nd, Sr and Y were analyzed from soils near PG stockpiles (Sfax and M’dhilla) and sediments from marine discharge (Gabes). Their impacts on the bacterial community structure and wild plants were investigated. Metal trace elements (MTE) concentrations (in mg Kg-1 DM) were much higher in contaminated soil than in the control (at 12 km from PG stockpiles). Highest concentrations were recorded in top soil and decreased with depth. A low bacterial diversity was shown (impacted by plants more than by MTE). The MTE concentrations in aerial parts (AP) and roots varied according to the plant species and were higher in contaminated sites. Sr, La and Cd in the AP ranged 33.10–657.56, 2.22–11.05 and 0.21–14.20 mg Kg-1 DM respectively. Plants exhibiting the maximal metal concentrations in AP (in mg Kg-1 DM) were the following: Zygophylum album for Sr (657.56) > Zygophylum album for Cd (14.20) > Zygophylum album (11.05) for La > Conyza canadensis (1.11) for Ce > Conyza canadensis (0.75) for Nd > Arthrocemum inducum (0.72) for Y. Kochia indica showed the highest bioconcentration factor (1.60) for Cd, while Zygophylum album exhibited the highest translocation factor (6.12) for La. Zygophylum album would be the most suitable candidate for MTE phytoextraction.


Phosphogypsum contaminates soils near stockpiles with metal trace elements including rare earth element and selects wild plants able to be used for phytostabilization and phytomining.



突尼斯的磷酸盐工业每年产生大量磷石膏(PG),每年超过10 7吨。研究了这种固体废物对环境的影响。从PG储备附近的土壤(Sfax和M'dhilla)和海洋排泄物中的沉积物(Gabes)分析了Cd,Ce,La,Nd,Sr和Y。研究了它们对细菌群落结构和野生植物的影响。金属痕量(MTE)浓度(以mg Kg -1为单位)DM)在受污染的土壤中比对照(离PG储备库12 km)高得多。最高浓度记录在表层土壤中,并随深度降低。结果表明细菌多样性低(受植物的影响比受MTE的影响更大)。地上部分(AP)和根部的MTE浓度根据植物种类而有所不同,在受污染的地点则更高。AP中的Sr,La和Cd分别为33.10–657.56、2.22–11.05和0.21–14.20 mg Kg -1 DM。在AP中表现出最大金属浓度的植物(以mg Kg -1 DM计)如下:Sr的y蒲专辑(657.56)> Cd的Z蒲专辑(14.20)> La的Z蒲专辑(11.05)>加拿大的Conyza canadensis(1.11),用于铈>小蓬草(0.75),用于钕> Arthrocemum inducum(0.72)为Y.地肤籼稻表明镉最高生物浓缩系数(1.60),而Zygophylum专辑表现出的La的最高转因子(6.12)。Zygophylum专辑将是最适合进行MTE植物提取的候选人。


