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Metabolic regulation of the maize rhizobiome by benzoxazinoids.
The ISME Journal ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-22 , DOI: 10.1038/s41396-019-0375-2
T E Anne Cotton 1, 2 , Pierre Pétriacq 1, 2, 3, 4 , Duncan D Cameron 1, 2 , Moaed Al Meselmani 1, 2, 5 , Roland Schwarzenbacher 1, 2 , Stephen A Rolfe 1, 2 , Jurriaan Ton 1, 2

The rhizobiome is an important regulator of plant growth and health. Plants shape their rhizobiome communities through production and release of primary and secondary root metabolites. Benzoxazinoids (BXs) are common tryptophan-derived secondary metabolites in grasses that regulate belowground and aboveground biotic interactions. In addition to their biocidal activity, BXs can regulate plant-biotic interactions as semiochemicals or within-plant defence signals. However, the full extent and mechanisms by which BXs shape the root-associated microbiome has remained largely unexplored. Here, we have taken a global approach to examine the regulatory activity of BXs on the maize root metabolome and associated bacterial and fungal communities. Using untargeted mass spectrometry analysis in combination with prokaryotic and fungal amplicon sequencing, we compared the impacts of three genetic mutations in different steps in the BX pathway. We show that BXs regulate global root metabolism and concurrently influence the rhizobiome in a root type-dependent manner. Correlation analysis between BX-controlled root metabolites and bacterial taxa suggested a dominant role for BX-dependent metabolites, particularly flavonoids, in constraining a range of soil microbial taxa, while stimulating methylophilic bacteria. Our study supports a multilateral model by which BXs control root-microbe interactions via a global regulatory function in root secondary metabolism.



根瘤菌是植物生长和健康的重要调节剂。植物通过初级和次级根代谢物的产生和释放来塑造它们的根瘤菌群落。苯并恶嗪类 (BX) 是草中常见的色氨酸衍生次级代谢物,可调节地下和地上生物相互作用。除了杀生物活性外,BX 还可以作为化学信息素或植物内防御信号调节植物与生物的相互作用。然而,BXs 塑造根系相关微生物组的全部范围和机制在很大程度上仍未被探索。在这里,我们采取了一种全球方法来检查 BXs 对玉米根代谢组和相关细菌和真菌群落的调节活性。使用非靶向质谱分析结合原核和真菌扩增子测序,我们比较了 BX 通路不同步骤中三种基因突变的影响。我们表明,BXs 调节全局根代谢,并以依赖于根类型的方式同时影响根际生物组。BX 控制的根代谢物和细菌类群之间的相关性分析表明,BX 依赖性代谢物,特别是类黄酮,在限制一系列土壤微生物类群,同时刺激嗜甲基细菌方面发挥着主导作用。我们的研究支持一种多边模型,通过该模型,BXs 通过根次生代谢中的全局调节功能来控制根与微生物的相互作用。BX 控制的根代谢物和细菌类群之间的相关性分析表明,BX 依赖性代谢物,特别是类黄酮,在限制一系列土壤微生物类群,同时刺激嗜甲基细菌方面发挥着主导作用。我们的研究支持一种多边模型,通过该模型,BXs 通过根次生代谢中的全局调节功能来控制根与微生物的相互作用。BX 控制的根代谢物和细菌类群之间的相关性分析表明,BX 依赖性代谢物,特别是类黄酮,在限制一系列土壤微生物类群,同时刺激嗜甲基细菌方面发挥着主导作用。我们的研究支持一种多边模型,通过该模型,BXs 通过根次生代谢中的全局调节功能来控制根与微生物的相互作用。