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Plant-Mediated Interactions between Two Cereal Aphid Species: Promotion of Aphid Performance and Attraction of More Parasitoids by Infestation of Wheat with Phytotoxic Aphid Schizaphis graminum
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-21 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.8b06150
Yong Zhang 1 , Jia Fan 1 , Yu Fu 1 , Frédéric Francis 2 , Julian Chen 1

Here, we investigated changes in physiological characteristics in wheat affected by phytotoxic-aphid Schizaphis graminum feeding and nonphytotoxic-aphid Sitobion avenae feeding. We also determined whether shared host-mediated interspecific interactions occur between S. graminum and S. avenae. S. graminum feeding but not S. avenae feeding induced significant chlorophyll loss and hydrogen peroxide accumulation in wheat. Gene-expression analysis and GC/MS metabonomic results indicated that S. graminum infestation induced stronger salicylic acid mediated defense responses than S. avenae did and significantly increased the contents of several amino acids in wheat leaves. Feeding on wheat preinfested with S. graminum significantly increased the reproduction of both aphids and shortened the development time of S. graminum. However, olfactometer bioassays showed that the parasitoid wasp Aphidius gifuensis was more attracted to the odors of S. graminum infested wheat than to those of control and S. avenae infested wheat. This study demonstrates that S. graminum and S. avenae feeding induced different defense responses and changes in plant nutritional quality. Additionally, plant-mediated interactions occurred between these cereal aphids.



在这里,我们调查了小麦受植物毒性蚜虫Schizaphis graminum饲喂和非植物毒性蚜虫Sitobion avenae饲喂影响的生理特性的变化。我们还确定了是否在S. graminumS. avenae之间发生了共享的宿主介导的种间相互作用。S. graminum饲喂而不是S. avenae饲喂会导致小麦中明显的叶绿素损失和过氧化氢积累。基因表达分析和GC / MS代谢组学结果表明,S.蚜侵染诱导强于水杨酸介导的防卫反应麦长管蚜确实显着增加了小麦叶片中几种氨基酸的含量。取食小麦preinfested S.蚜显著上升两个蚜虫的繁殖,缩短开发时间S.蚜。然而,嗅觉仪生物测定法显示,寄生寄生的黄蜂蚜虫gifuensis更容易被散布在S. graminum的小麦上,而不是被对照和复仇的S. avenae的小麦所散发出的气味。这项研究表明,葡萄链球菌的进食诱导了不同的防御反应和植物营养品质的变化。另外,在这些谷物蚜虫之间发生了植物介导的相互作用。