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The application of Lempel-Ziv and Titchener complexity analysis for equine telemetric electrocardiographic recordings.
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-22 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-38935-7
Vadim Alexeenko 1, 2 , James A Fraser 2 , Alexey Dolgoborodov 3 , Mark Bowen 4 , Christopher L-H Huang 2, 5 , Celia M Marr 6 , Kamalan Jeevaratnam 1, 2

The analysis of equine electrocardiographic (ECG) recordings is complicated by the absence of agreed abnormality classification criteria. We explore the applicability of several complexity analysis methods for characterization of non-linear aspects of electrocardiographic recordings. We here show that complexity estimates provided by Lempel-Ziv ’76, Titchener’s T-complexity and Lempel-Ziv ’78 analysis of ECG recordings of healthy Thoroughbred horses are highly dependent on the duration of analysed ECG fragments and the heart rate. The results provide a methodological basis and a feasible reference point for the complexity analysis of equine telemetric ECG recordings that might be applied to automate detection of equine arrhythmias in equine clinical practice.



由于没有一致同意的异常分类标准,马心电图(ECG)记录的分析变得很复杂。我们探讨了几种复杂性分析方法对心电图记录的非线性方面的表征的适用性。我们在这里显示,由健康的纯种马的ECG记录的Lempel-Ziv '76,Titchener的T-complexity和Lempel-Ziv '78提供的复杂性估计高度依赖于所分析的ECG片段的持续时间和心率。该结果为马遥测心电图记录的复杂性分析提供了方法学基础和可行的参考点,可将其应用于马临床实践中的马心律不齐的自动检测。
