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Preparation of Graphene Aerogel with High Mechanical Stability and Microwave Absorption Ability via Combining Surface Support of Metallic-CNTs and Interfacial Cross-Linking by Magnetic Nanoparticles
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-19 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b22382
Yan Qin 1 , Yan Zhang 1 , Na Qi 1 , Qiaozhi Wang 1 , Xuejie Zhang 1 , Ying Li 1

The preparation of graphene aerogel by hydrothermal or chemical reduction has been one of the hot topics of research. But in the process of assembly, the random weak connection of GO flakes leads to irreversible deformation under compression, and the mechanical stability of aerogel based on graphene is one of its drawbacks that is hard to overcome. Here, a novel method to prepare graphene aerogel with high mechanical stability was proposed via combining surface support brought by metallic-CNT networks and interfacial cross-linking of GO sheets achieved by nanoparticle selective absorption. Thoroughly dispersed metallic-CNTs absorbed on the basal plane of GO flakes formed continuous network structures, which not only improve the mechanical performance of flakes but also provide steric effects to impel the adsorption of metallic oxide magnetic nanoparticles concentrated on the edge of GO flakes, thereby guaranteeing the interfacial connection of adjacent rGO flakes by nanoparticle cross-linking. Meanwhile, the surface and interface reinforce approach can greatly improve the electrical conductivity and mechanical stability of composites. Owing to the light weight, abundant interface, high electrical conductivity, combined with the superparamagnetic properties brought by the magnetic nanoparticles, composite aerogel with high mechanical stability and excellent microwave absorption was achieved, of which the effective absorption bandwidth of the aerogel is 4.4–18 GHz and the maximum value can reach −49 dB. This approach could not only be used to prepare microwave absorption materials with light weight and high performance but also be meaningful to enlarge the construction and application of carbon-based materials.



通过水热还原或化学还原制备石墨烯气凝胶一直是研究的热点之一。但是在组装过程中,GO薄片的随机弱连接导致压缩时不可逆的变形,基于石墨烯的气凝胶的机械稳定性是其难以克服的缺点之一。在此,通过结合金属-碳纳米管网络带来的表面支持和纳米颗粒选择性吸收实现的GO片材的界面交联,提出了一种制备具有高机械稳定性的石墨烯气凝胶的新方法。完全分散在GO片基面上的金属CNT形成了连续的网状结构,这不仅改善了薄片的机械性能,而且还提供了空间效应,以促进浓缩在GO薄片边缘的金属氧化物磁性纳米颗粒的吸附,从而通过纳米颗粒交联确保相邻rGO薄片的界面连接。同时,表面和界面增强方法可以大大提高复合材料的电导率和机械稳定性。由于重量轻,界面丰富,电导率高,再加上磁性纳米粒子带来的超顺磁性能,因此获得了具有高机械稳定性和优异的微波吸收性能的复合气凝胶,其中气凝胶的有效吸收带宽为4.4–18 GHz,最大值可以达到-49 dB。