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Putting keyhole limpets on the map: phylogeny and biogeography of the globally distributed marine family Fissurellidae (Vetigastropoda, Mollusca)
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2019.02.008
Tauana Junqueira Cunha , Sarah Lemer , Philippe Bouchet , Yasunori Kano , Gonzalo Giribet

Fissurellidae are marine gastropods with a worldwide distribution and a rich fossil record. We integrate molecular, geographical and fossil data to reconstruct the fissurellid phylogeny, estimate divergence times and investigate historical routes of oceanic dispersal. With five molecular markers for 143 terminals representing 27 genera, we resolve deep nodes and find that many genera (e.g., Emarginula, Diodora, Fissurella) are not monophyletic and need systematic revision. Several genera classified as Emarginulinae are recovered in Zeidorinae. Future work should prioritize emarginuline genera to improve understanding of ancestral traits and the early evolution of fissurellids. Tree calibration with the fossilized birth-death model indicates that crown fissurellids originated around 175 Ma, and generally resulted in younger ages for the earliest nodes than the node dating approach. Model-based biogeographic reconstruction, supported by fossils, infers an Indo-West Pacific origin, with a westward colonization of new oceans via the Tethys Seaway upon the breakup of Pangea. Western Atlantic clades then served as source for dispersal towards other parts of the globe. As the sister group to all other fissurellids, Rimula is ranked in its own subfamily, Rimulinae stat. nov. New synonyms: Hemitominae syn. nov. of Zeidorinae stat. nov.; Cranopsis syn. nov. of Puncturella; Variegemarginula syn. nov. of Montfortula.



Fissurellidae是海洋腹足类动物,在世界范围内分布并且拥有丰富的化石记录。我们整合了分子,地理和化石数据,以重建鱼类前生系统发育,估计发散时间并研究海洋扩散的历史路线。利用代表27个属的143个末端的五个分子标记,我们解析了深节,并发现了许多属(例如EmarginulaDiodoraFissurella)不是单一的,需要系统的修改。在Zeidorinae中回收了几种属于Emarginulinae的属。未来的工作应优先考虑依玛替诺林属,以增进对祖先性状和裂殖壶菌的早期进化的了解。用化石化的生死模型对树木进行标定表明,冠状裂殖体起源于175 Ma左右,通常比最早的结节年龄更早。在化石的支持下,基于模型的生物地理重建推断出印度洋-西太平洋的起源,在Pangea破裂后,通过特提斯海道向西向新海洋殖民。然后,西大西洋进化枝成为向全球其他地区扩散的来源。作为其他裂殖纲的姊妹群,劲霸在其自身的子家族Rimulinae stat中排名十一月 新的同义词:Hemitominae syn。十一月 Zeidorinae统计信息。十一月 ; Cranopsis SYN。十一月 Puncturella ; 变种金银花 。十一月 Montfortula
