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Beyond Willpower: Strategies for Reducing Failures of Self-Control.
Psychological Science in the Public Interest ( IF 18.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-13 , DOI: 10.1177/1529100618821893
Angela L Duckworth 1 , Katherine L Milkman 2 , David Laibson 3

Almost everyone struggles to act in their individual and collective best interests, particularly when doing so requires forgoing a more immediately enjoyable alternative. Other than exhorting decision makers to "do the right thing," what can policymakers do to reduce overeating, undersaving, procrastination, and other self-defeating behaviors that feel good now but generate larger delayed costs? In this review, we synthesize contemporary research on approaches to reducing failures of self-control. We distinguish between self-deployed and other-deployed strategies and, in addition, between situational and cognitive intervention targets. Collectively, the evidence from both psychological science and economics recommends psychologically informed policies for reducing failures of self-control.


