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An open source web application for distributed geospatial data exploration
Scientific Data ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-12 , DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2019.14
Patrick A. Curry , Nils Moosdorf

The number of online data repositories is growing and they are becoming increasingly difficult to navigate. Data are scattered among different repositories, or hidden on personal or institutional servers. To access data, users must search extensively and rely on site-specific tools. These hurdles substantially inhibit data findability and accessibility; in particular, those in the long tail of data. We developed an open source web application, Spatial Data Hub, that is a geospatial data index, connected to remote Internet sources. It allows simultaneous display and comparison of disparate datasets on a single map. It aims to promote all data equally and provide the flexibility to connect to any storage system, effectively making long-tail datasets as visible as those in large, established repositories. Its low barrier of entry allows scientists and organizations to easily add data throughout the research process; enhancing transparency, openness and reproducibility. This flexibility and functionality makes Spatial Data Hub a novel platform for researchers to promote their work, develop new hypotheses and create new collaborations.



在线数据存储库的数量正在增长,并且导航变得越来越困难。数据分散在不同的存储库中,或隐藏在个人或机构服务器上。要访问数据,用户必须进行广泛搜索并依赖于特定于站点的工具。这些障碍极大地阻碍了数据的可查找性和可访问性。尤其是那些长数据的人。我们开发了一个开放源Web应用程序Spatial Data Hub,它是一个地理空间数据索引,它连接到远程Internet资源。它允许在单个地图上同时显示和比较不同的数据集。它旨在平等地促进所有数据并提供连接到任何存储系统的灵活性,从而有效地使长尾数据集与大型已建立存储库中的数据集一样可见。它的低进入门槛使科学家和组织可以在整个研究过程中轻松添加数据;提高透明度,开放性和可复制性。这种灵活性和功能性使Spatial Data Hub成为研究人员推广其工作,开发新假设和创建新协作的新颖平台。
