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Facile synthesis and linker guided self-assembly of dendron-like amphiphiles
Polymer ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2019.01.051
Bo Ni , Haoran Qu , Jialin Mao , Ruobing Bai , Shuailin Zhang , Xueyan Feng , Chrys Wesdemiotis , Xue-Hui Dong , Stephen Z.D. Cheng

In this work, we studied the linker effect on the nanostructures of a serious of specifically designed, functionalized polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) based Dendron-like macro-isomers. The varying linkers between hydrophilic and hydrophobic POSS cages lead to topological isomers with identical composition but different molecular shapes. Their unique phase behaviors highlight remarkable effects of molecular architectures on the formation of nanostructures. Due to topological constraints, these macro-isomers assume either a fan- or a cone-molecular shape, which assembles into either hexagonally packed cylindrical phase (HEX) or Frank-Kasper A15 phase. This work provides guiding rules on designing precise molecular nanostructures with desired properties via linker engineering.



在这项工作中,我们研究了严重的基于特殊设计,功能化的多面体低聚倍半硅氧烷(POSS)的Dendron状大分子异构体的纳米结构上的接头效应。亲水性和疏水性POSS笼之间的连接基的变化导致组成相同但分子形状不同的拓扑异构体。它们独特的相行为突显了分子结构对纳米结构形成的显着影响。由于拓扑约束,这些大分子异构体呈扇形或圆锥分子形状,可组装成六方堆积的圆柱相(HEX)或Frank-Kasper A15相。这项工作为通过接头工程设计具有所需特性的精确分子纳米结构提供了指导原则。
