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Intrinsic valley Hall transport in atomically thin MoS2.
Nature Communications ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-05 , DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-08629-9
Zefei Wu 1 , Benjamin T Zhou 1 , Xiangbin Cai 1 , Patrick Cheung 2 , Gui-Bin Liu 3 , Meizhen Huang 1 , Jiangxiazi Lin 1 , Tianyi Han 1 , Liheng An 1 , Yuanwei Wang 1 , Shuigang Xu 1 , Gen Long 1 , Chun Cheng 4 , Kam Tuen Law 1 , Fan Zhang 2 , Ning Wang 1

Electrons hopping in two-dimensional honeycomb lattices possess a valley degree of freedom in addition to charge and spin. In the absence of inversion symmetry, these systems were predicted to exhibit opposite Hall effects for electrons from different valleys. Such valley Hall effects have been achieved only by extrinsic means, such as substrate coupling, dual gating, and light illuminating. Here we report the first observation of intrinsic valley Hall transport without any extrinsic symmetry breaking in the non-centrosymmetric monolayer and trilayer MoS2, evidenced by considerable nonlocal resistance that scales cubically with local resistance. Such a hallmark survives even at room temperature with a valley diffusion length at micron scale. By contrast, no valley Hall signal is observed in the centrosymmetric bilayer MoS2. Our work elucidates the topological origin of valley Hall effects and marks a significant step towards the purely electrical control of valley degree of freedom in topological valleytronics.


