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Solar wind stream interaction regions throughout the heliosphere
Living Reviews in Solar Physics ( IF 23.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s41116-017-0011-z
Ian G Richardson 1, 2

This paper focuses on the interactions between the fast solar wind from coronal holes and the intervening slower solar wind, leading to the creation of stream interaction regions that corotate with the Sun and may persist for many solar rotations. Stream interaction regions have been observed near 1 AU, in the inner heliosphere (at \(\sim 0.3\)–1 AU) by the Helios spacecraft, in the outer and distant heliosphere by the Pioneer 10 and 11 and Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft, and out of the ecliptic by Ulysses, and these observations are reviewed. Stream interaction regions accelerate energetic particles, modulate the intensity of Galactic cosmic rays and generate enhanced geomagnetic activity. The remote detection of interaction regions using interplanetary scintillation and white-light imaging, and MHD modeling of interaction regions will also be discussed.



本文重点研究来自日冕洞的快速太阳风与介入的较慢太阳风之间的相互作用,从而导致形成与太阳同步旋转的流相互作用区域,并且可能持续许多太阳自转。 Helios 航天器在 1 AU 附近、内日光层( \(\sim 0.3\) –1 AU)观测到了流相互作用区域,先锋 10 和 11 以及航海家 1 和 2 航天器在外和遥远日光层观测到了流相互作用区域,并由《尤利西斯》走出黄道,并对这些观察结果进行了回顾。流相互作用区域加速高能粒子,调节银河宇宙射线的强度并产生增强的地磁活动。还将讨论使用行星际闪烁和白光成像对相互作用区域进行远程探测,以及相互作用区域的 MHD 建模。
