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Investigating the afterlife
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-25 , DOI: 10.1126/science.aar5147
Paula Quinon 1

Faulty religious reasoning and sloppy secular arguments earn a skeptic's side-eye In his new book, Heavens on Earth, Michael Shermer aims to deconstruct systems of irrational beliefs. In particular, he provides analysis of three concepts: The first is a belief in immortality or in an afterlife. The second is a belief in a utopia where a better version of one's self lives peacefully among peers. The third is a belief that one belongs to a group that has special insight into the nature of life after death. As Shermer shows, prognosticators of both religious and secular utopias can fall victim to this way of thinking.



错误的宗教推理和草率的世俗争论赢得了怀疑论者的侧眼 在他的新书《人间天堂》中,迈克尔·舍默 (Michael Shermer) 旨在解构非理性信仰体系。他特别分析了三个概念:第一个是对不朽或来世的信仰。第二个是对乌托邦的信念,在那里更好的自我在同龄人中和平地生活。第三种是相信一个人属于对死后生命的本质有特殊洞察力的群体。正如舍默所示,宗教和世俗乌托邦的预言者都可能成为这种思维方式的受害者。