PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-22 , DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0006110
Joshua V Garn 1 , Sophie Boisson 2 , Rebecca Willis 3 , Ana Bakhtiari 3 , Tawfik Al-Khatib 4 , Khaled Amer 5 , Wilfrid Batcho 6 , Paul Courtright 7 , Michael Dejene 8 , Andre Goepogui 9 , Khumbo Kalua 10 , Biruck Kebede 11 , Colin K Macleod 12 , Kouakou IIunga Marie Madeleine 13 , Mariamo Saide Abdala Mbofana 14 , Caleb Mpyet 7, 15, 16 , Jean Ndjemba 17 , Nicholas Olobio 18 , Alexandre L Pavluck 3 , Oliver Sokana 19 , Khamphoua Southisombath 20 , Fasihah Taleo 21 , Anthony W Solomon 22, 23 , Matthew C Freeman 1
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Facial cleanliness and sanitation are postulated to reduce trachoma transmission, but there are no previous data on community-level herd protection thresholds. We characterize associations between active trachoma, access to improved sanitation facilities, and access to improved water sources for the purpose of face washing, with the aim of estimating community-level or herd protection thresholds.
Methods and findings
We used cluster-sampled Global Trachoma Mapping Project data on 884,850 children aged 1–9 years from 354,990 households in 13 countries. We employed multivariable mixed-effects modified Poisson regression models to assess the relationships between water and sanitation coverage and trachomatous inflammation—follicular (TF). We observed lower TF prevalence among those with household-level access to improved sanitation (prevalence ratio, PR = 0.87; 95%CI: 0.83–0.91), and household-level access to an improved washing water source in the residence/yard (PR = 0.81; 95%CI: 0.75–0.88). Controlling for household-level water and latrine access, we found evidence of community-level protection against TF for children living in communities with high sanitation coverage (PR80–90% = 0.87; 95%CI: 0.73–1.02; PR90–100% = 0.76; 95%CI: 0.67–0.85). Community sanitation coverage levels greater than 80% were associated with herd protection against TF (PR = 0.77; 95%CI: 0.62–0.97)—that is, lower TF in individuals whose households lacked individual sanitation but who lived in communities with high sanitation coverage. For community-level water coverage, there was no apparent threshold, although we observed lower TF among several of the higher deciles of community-level water coverage.
Our study provides insights into the community water and sanitation coverage levels that might be required to best control trachoma. Our results suggest access to adequate water and sanitation can be important components in working towards the 2020 target of eliminating trachoma as a public health problem.

与活动性沙眼相关的卫生和供水覆盖阈值:对 13 个国家的横截面数据进行建模
我们使用了来自 13 个国家 354,990 个家庭的 884,850 名 1-9 岁儿童的整群抽样全球沙眼测绘项目数据。我们采用多变量混合效应修正泊松回归模型来评估水和卫生设施覆盖率与沙眼滤泡性炎症 (TF) 之间的关系。我们观察到,在家庭层面获得改善卫生设施的家庭中,TF 患病率较低(患病率,PR = 0.87;95%CI:0.83–0.91),并且在家庭层面获得改善的住宅/院子洗涤水源(PR = 0.81;95%CI:0.75–0.88)。在控制家庭用水和厕所使用情况的情况下,我们发现了社区一级为生活在卫生设施覆盖率高的社区的儿童提供预防 TF 保护的证据(PR 80–90% = 0.87;95%CI:0.73–1.02;PR 90–100 % = 0.76;95%CI:0.67–0.85)。社区卫生覆盖率超过 80% 与针对 TF 的群体保护相关(PR = 0.77;95%CI:0.62–0.97),即家庭缺乏个人卫生设施但居住在卫生覆盖率高的社区的个人的 TF 较低。对于社区级水覆盖率,没有明显的阈值,尽管我们观察到几个较高十分位的社区水覆盖率的 TF 较低。
我们的研究提供了对最好地控制沙眼可能需要的社区供水和卫生设施覆盖水平的见解。我们的结果表明,获得充足的水和卫生设施可以成为实现 2020 年消除沙眼这一公共卫生问题目标的重要组成部分。