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Isomerically Pure Star-Shaped Triphenylene-Perylene Hybrids Involving Highly Extended π-Conjugation.
Chemistry - A European Journal ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-02-27 , DOI: 10.1002/chem.201705872
Edurne Nuin 1 , Vicent Lloret 1, 2 , Konstantin Amsharov 1 , Frank Hauke 1, 2 , Gonzalo Abellán 1, 2 , Andreas Hirsch 1, 2

The synthesis and characterization of a new type of a highly conjugated heterocyclic π-chromophore, consisting of a central triphenylene core fused with three perylene monoimide units (star-shaped molecules), is described. By judicious bay functionalization with tert-butylphenoxy substituents, aggregation was completely prevented by using 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane, allowing for a straightforward purification and, for the very first time, the complete separation of the constitutional isomers by HPLC. Both isomers can be easily distinguished by means of several conventional spectroscopic techniques. Furthermore, we have illustrated the absence of supramolecular aggregates and enhanced processability by noncovalent functionalization of graphene substrates, showing an outstanding homogeneity and demonstrating a different doping behavior in both isomers, making it possible to distinguish them by Raman spectroscopy.


