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Photo‐Initiated Reduction of CO2 by H2 on Silica Surface
ChemSusChem ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-02-13 , DOI: 10.1002/cssc.201702341
Chao Liu 1 , Justin M. Notestein 2 , Eric Weitz 3 , Kimberly A. Gray 1

The reduction of CO2 is a promising route to produce valuable chemicals or fuels and create C‐neutral resource cycles. Many different approaches to CO2 reduction have been investigated, but the ability of vacuum UV (VUV) irradiation to cleave C−O bonds has remained largely unexplored for use in processes that convert CO2 into useful products. Compared with other photo‐driven CO2 conversion processes, VUV‐initiated CO2 reduction can achieve much greater conversion under common photochemical reaction conditions when H2 and non‐reducible oxides are present. Infrared spectroscopy provides evidence for a chain reaction initiated by VUV‐induced CO2 splitting, which is enhanced in the presence of H2 and silica. When the reaction is carried out in the presence of silica or alumina surfaces, CO yields are increased and CH4 is formed as the only other detected product. CH4 production is not promoted by traditional photocatalysts such as TiO2 under these conditions. Assuming improvements in lamp and reactor efficiencies with scale up, or coupling with other available CO/CO2 hydrogenation techniques, these results reveal a potential, simple strategy by which CO2 could be valorized.



减少CO 2是生产有价值的化学品或燃料并创造C中性资源循环的有前途的途径。已经研究了许多不同的减少CO 2的方法,但是在将CO 2转化为有用产品的过程中,真空UV(VUV)辐照切割C-O键的能力仍未得到充分探索。与其他光驱动的CO 2转化过程相比,在存在H 2和不可还原的氧化物的常见光化学反应条件下,VUV引发的CO 2还原可以实现更高的转化率。红外光谱为VUV诱导的CO 2引发的连锁反应提供了证据在H 2和二氧化硅的存在下,裂化作用增强。当反应在二氧化硅或氧化铝表面存在下进行时,CO收率增加,CH 4形成为唯一检测到的其他产物。在这些条件下,传统的光催化剂如TiO 2不能促进CH 4的产生。假设随着规模的扩大或与其他可用的CO / CO 2氢化技术的结合,可以提高灯和反应器的效率,这些结果表明可以利用潜在的简单策略来对CO 2进行增值。