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Phase-pure BiFeO3 produced by reaction flash-sintering of Bi2O3 and Fe2O3†
Journal of Materials Chemistry A ( IF 10.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-22 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1039/c7ta09239c
Eva Gil-González 1, 2, 3 , Antonio Perejón 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , Pedro E. Sánchez-Jiménez 1, 2, 3 , María J. Sayagués 1, 2, 3 , Rishi Raj 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 , Luis A. Pérez-Maqueda 1, 2, 3

Mixed powders of Bi2O3 and Fe2O3 are shown to yield single-phase, dense nanostructured polycrystals of BiFeO3 in reaction flash sintering experiments, carried out by applying a field of 50 V cm−1 and with the current limit set to 35 mA mm−2. The furnace was heated at a constant rate with the reaction sintering taking place abruptly upon reaching 625 °C. Remarkably, an intermediate bismuth-rich phase of the oxide that forms just before reaching the flash temperature transforms, and at the same time sinters, into single-phase BiFeO3 within a few seconds after the onset of the flash. The BiFeO3 so produced is electrically insulating, a property that is critical to its applications. This one-step synthesis of single-phase polycrystals of complex oxides from their basic constituents, by reaction flash sintering, is a significant development in the processing of complex oxides, which are normally difficult to sinter by conventional methods.


相纯的BiFeO 3的Bi通过反应产生的闪光烧结2 ö 3和Fe 2 ö 3

通过施加50 V cm -1的磁场并设定电流限制,Bi 2 O 3和Fe 2 O 3的混合粉末在反应快速烧结实验中显示出BiFeO 3的单相致密纳米结构多晶。至35 mA mm -2。炉子以恒定的速率加热,反应烧结在达到625°C时突然发生。值得注意的是,刚好在达到闪蒸温度之前形成的中间富铋氧化物中间相在闪蒸开始后的几秒钟内转变并同时烧结成单相BiFeO 3。BiFeO 3这样生产的产品是电绝缘的,这对于其应用至关重要。通过反应闪速烧结从其基本成分一步一步合成复合氧化物的单相多晶,是复合氧化物加工的重要进展,而复合氧化物通常难以通过常规方法进行烧结。