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A Novel Multiplex Network-Based Sensor Information Fusion Model and Its Application to Industrial Multiphase Flow System
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics ( IF 11.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-20 , DOI: 10.1109/tii.2017.2785384
Zhongke Gao , Weidong Dang , Chaoxu Mu , Yuxuan Yang , Shan Li , Celso Grebogi

Increasingly advanced technology allows the monitoring of complex systems from a wide variety of perspectives. But the exploration of such systems from a multichannel sensor information viewpoint remains a complicated challenge of ongoing interest. In this paper, first, based on a well-designed double-layer distributed-sector conductance (DLDSC) sensor, systematic oil-water and gas-liquid two-phase flow experiments are carried out to capture abundant spatiotemporal flow information. Second, well flow parameter measurement performance of the DLDSC sensor is effectively validated from the perspective of normalized conductance. Third, a novel multiplex network-based model is presented to implement data mining and characterize the evolution of flow dynamics. The results demonstrate that the model is powerful for the exploration of the spatial flow behaviors from heterogeneity to randomness in the studied two-phase flows.


