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Mechanisms of phloem unloading: shaped by cellular pathways, their conductances and sink function
Current Opinion in Plant Biology ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pbi.2017.11.003
Ricky J Milne , Christopher PL Grof , John W Patrick

Phloem unloading represents a series of cell-to-cell transport steps transferring phloem-mobile constituents from phloem to sink tissues/organs to fuel their development or resource storage. Our analysis focuses on unloading of two major phloem-mobile constituents, sugars and water. Their unloading can occur across phloem plasma membranes (apoplasmic unloading), through plasmodesmata interconnecting phloem and sink cells (symplasmic unloading) or predominately symplasmically with an intervening post-phloem apoplasmic step. In planta studies of phloem unloading encounter substantial technical challenges in accessing phloem within a meshwork of vascular/ground tissues. Thus, current understanding of phloem-unloading mechanisms largely has been deduced from indirect experimental measures or modelling. Here we highlight recent advances in understanding phloem unloading mechanisms and identify where important knowledge gaps remain.



