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Self-Assembly of Chiral Metal-Organic Tetartoid
Journal of the American Chemical Society ( IF 14.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-18 , DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b11285
Dong Luo 1 , Xue-Zhi Wang 2 , Chen Yang 3 , Xiao-Ping Zhou 2 , Dan Li 1

Chiral coordination cages feature both chirality and defined inner space, providing advanced molecular materials. A series of chiral 20-nucleus cobalt-imidazolate cages were synthesized by self-assembly of 72 subcomponents, featuring a novel tetartoid (tetragonal pentagonal dodecahedron) structure. Spontaneous resolution of racemic tetartoidal cages (Δ and Λ) into a conglomerate of homochiral crystals are observed, while both homochiral Δ and Λ tetartoidal cages can be obtained through chiral induction of (d)- and (l)-enantiomers of menthol, respectively. The 2-methyl substituent on imidazolyl is critical to the formation of a tetartoidal cage, and the absence of such steric effect will switch the final structure to a cubic cage.



手性配位笼具有手性和明确的内部空间,提供先进的分子材料。通过 72 个子组分的自组装合成了一系列手性 20 核钴-咪唑酯笼,具有新型四方体(四方五边十二面体)结构。观察到外消旋四环体笼(Δ和Λ)自发分解成同手性晶体的聚集体,而同手性Δ和Λ四环体笼可以分别通过手性诱导薄荷醇的(d)-和(l)-对映异构体获得。咪唑基上的 2-甲基取代基对于四方笼的形成至关重要,如果没有这种空间效应,最终结构将转变为立方笼。