Science of the Total Environment ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.359 Gaëlle Speeckaert , Alberto V. Borges , Willy Champenois , Colin Royer , Nathalie Gypens
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The influence of abiotic and biotic variables on the concentration of dimethyl sulfide (DMS), dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), were investigated during an annual cycle in 2016 in the Belgian Coastal Zone (BCZ, North Sea). We reported strong seasonal variations in the concentration of these compounds linked to the phytoplankton succession with high DMS(P,O) producers (mainly Phaeocystis globosa) occurring in spring and low DMS(P,O) producers (various diatoms species) occurring in early spring and autumn. Spatial gradients of DMS and DMSP were related to those of phytoplankton biomass itself related to the inputs of nutrients from the Scheldt estuary. However, the use of a relationship with Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration is not sufficient to predict DMSP. Accounting for the phytoplankton composition, two different DMSP versus Chl-a correlations could be established, one for diatoms and another one for Phaeocystis colonies. We also reported high nearshore DMSO concentrations uncoupled to Chl-a and DMSP concentrations but linked to high suspended particulate matter (SPM) presumably coming from the Scheldt estuary as indicated by the positive relationship between annual average SPM and salinity.

非生物和生物变量对比利时沿海地区(BCZ,北海)2016年的年度周期中二甲基硫醚(DMS),丙二酸二甲基磺丙酯(DMSP)和二甲基亚砜(DMSO)浓度的影响。我们报告了与浮游植物演替相关的这些化合物浓度的强烈季节性变化,其中春季出现高DMS(P,O)产生者(主要是Phaeocystis globosa),而早期则出现低DMS(P,O)产生者(各种硅藻物种)。春天和秋天。DMS和DMSP的空间梯度与浮游植物生物量本身的空间梯度有关,而浮游生物的生物量本身与Scheldt河口的养分输入有关。但是,与叶绿素a(Chl- a)浓度不足以预测DMSP。考虑到浮游植物的成分,可以建立两种不同的DMSP与Chl- a相关性,一种针对硅藻,另一种针对藻囊菌落。我们还报道脱开到Chl-高近岸DMSO浓度一和DMSP浓度但联系到高悬浮颗粒物(SPM)从斯凯尔特河口推测未来由年均SPM和盐度之间的正相关关系所指示的。