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Narrowband IoT Data Transmission Procedures for Massive Machine-Type Communications
IEEE NETWORK ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-27 , DOI: 10.1109/mnet.2017.1700081
Pilar Andres-Maldonado , Pablo Ameigeiras , Jonathan Prados-Garzon , Jorge Navarro-Ortiz , Juan M. Lopez-Soler

Large-scale deployments of massive machine type communications involve several challenges on cellular networks. To address the challenges of massive machine-type communications, or more generally, the Internet of Things (IoT), the 3GPP has developed Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) as part of Release 13. NB-IoT is designed to provide better indoor coverage, support of a massive number of low-throughput devices, with relaxed delay requirements, and lower energy consumption. NB-IoT reuses Long Term Evolution functionality with simplifications and optimizations. Particularly for small data transmissions, NB-IoT specifies two procedures to reduce the required signaling: one of them based on the control plane and the other on the user plane (UP). In this work, we provide an overview of these procedures as well as an evaluation of their performance. The results of the energy consumption show both optimizations achieve a battery lifetime extension of more than two years for a large range in the considered cases, and up to eight years for CP with good coverage. In terms of cell capacity relative to Service Request, CP achieves gains from 26 to 224 percent, and UP ranges from 36 to 165 percent. The comparison of CP and UP optimizations yields similar results, except for some specific configurations.



大规模机器类型通信的大规模部署涉及蜂窝网络的若干挑战。为了应对大规模机器类通信或更普遍的物联网 (IoT) 挑战,3GPP 开发了窄带物联网 (NB-IoT) 作为版本 13 的一部分。NB-IoT 旨在提供更好的室内覆盖,支持海量低吞吐量设备,时延要求宽松,能耗更低。 NB-IoT 通过简化和优化重用长期演进功能。特别是对于小数据传输,NB-IoT 指定了两种程序来减少所需的信令:其中一种基于控制平面,另一种基于用户平面 (UP)。在这项工作中,我们概述了这些程序并对其性能进行了评估。能耗结果表明,在所考虑的情况下,两种优化均可将大范围内的电池寿命延长两年以上,而对于良好覆盖范围的 CP,电池寿命可延长至八年。就相对于服务请求的小区容量而言,CP 实现了 26% 至 224% 的增益,UP 的增益范围为 36% 至 165%。除了一些特定配置之外,CP 和 UP 优化的比较产生类似的结果。