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SSDNet: Small-World Super-Dense Device-to-Device Wireless Networks
IEEE NETWORK ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-03 , DOI: 10.1109/mnet.2017.1700086
Wei Cheng , Jiguo Yu , Feng Zhao , Xiuzhen Cheng

In this article, we propose a novel networking paradigm called Small-world SSDNet, servicing applications such as public safety, proximity based services, and fog computing based on device-todevice multi-hop wireless communications. The "small-world" feature is determined by the service area, whose size is usually within a community level, and the well known small-world properties existing in SSDNets; the "super-dense" feature comes from the fact that the increased direct communication range and the popularity of 5G and IoT devices jointly result in a large number of devices within a single-hop communication range. This article first formally defines SSDNet. Then the challenges and the opportunities brought by the design and the implementation of the SSDNet protocols and applications are addressed. Finally, the broader discussions on issues relevant to modeling, engineering, and dissemination are provided.



在本文中,我们提出了一种称为 Small-world SSDNet 的新颖网络范式,为公共安全、基于邻近的服务和基于设备到设备多跳无线通信的雾计算等应用提供服务。 “小世界”特征由服务区域决定,其大小通常在社区级别内,以及SSDNets中存在的众所周知的小世界属性; “超密集”特征来自于直接通信范围的增加以及5G和物联网设备的普及,共同导致单跳通信范围内有大量设备。本文首先正式定义SSDNet。然后讨论了SSDNet协议和应用的设计和实现所带来的挑战和机遇。最后,对与建模、工程和传播相关的问题进行了更广泛的讨论。